
December 30, 2009

Part 2: Spring & Summer 2009

For St. Patrick’s Day I joined my soon-to-be roommate and her sorority sisters for their annual trip to Chicago to watch, in the flesh, as the river was dyed green. From hearing MGMT’s “Electric Feel” on the streets of downtown (my favorite song of 09 by far), our coordinating “Who All Hear the Leprechaun Say Yeah” (for reference please click here) t-shirts, and reunions with old friends, it was one of the best weekends of the year.

March was also the beginning of my frantic search for the perfect apartment. In my head I had lavish dreams of big bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, recently renovated, in close proximity to favorite watering holes, etc. etc., but much to my dismay this quest was not so easy. After a month or so of intensely browsing Craigslist we found something pretty close to the above and thus the count down to Independence Day began!

The highlight of the spring has be the start of the concert season. All in all 2009 was a fantastic year for this concert go-er. Things got started with The Eagles in Columbus and Death Cab for Cutie in Louisville. In Kentucky spring also means ponies, and by ponies I mean Keeneland. If you’re not from the area that may mean nothing to you, but to this KY girl the 8 weeks that the track is open (4 in the fall, 4 in the spring) are some of the best weeks of the year. Per usual the annual sorority alumnae tailgate was had, pretty dresses were worn, lots of pictures were taken and bets were made.

What stands out in my mind about the next few months are the concerts I attended. The list goes something like this: Kings of Leon (again), Coldplay (sister’s 21st birthday gift), DMB (1st time experience with my avid DMB fan/roommate ), VIP for The Fray/Jack’s Mannequin (courtesy of my boss, thanks again), VIP for Counting Crows/Boston (again courtesy of my boss, grazi), Blink 182/Fall Out Boy/Panic At the Disco, U2/Snow Patrol at Solider Field (amazing), Kings of Leon (again again), Mat Kearney, & Guster. Phew.

So that takes us from May through October. Other highlights from these months include: moving into my own place, several Reds game, a much needed trip to Richmond, VA to see one of my favorite people on the planet, first UK football of the year (C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS!) and Vegas!

December 28, 2009

Too true

I'm a fairly typical aquarius - take that as you will. Today when I read my horoscope for the last week of the year, the only thought that came to mind was that I couldn't have said it any more perfectly myself. Amen.

The stroke of midnight will signify a lot more endings to you than just the prior year. For you, it’ll mark a significant step into a future that relinquishes you from past traumas for good. This is your cycle to set to your liking and the earlier you can begin it, the better. Your independence is your strongest asset now and one you should not think of as lightly anymore.

December 23, 2009

Part 1: Winter 2009

It’s become somewhat of a December tradition to sit down, mull over the past 12 months and hash out the important/stand out moments in my (now annual I suppose) “year in review” post. I have to admit that my records of 2009 are, well, kinda pathetic. I’ve been totally slacking on my actual journal and my online ones aren’t any better. Oh well, I suppose there’s a new year’s resolution to be found there… To be honest 2009 has been slightly blah in my book. If it hadn’t been for some of the trips and the amazing concerts this year would have been totally blah. This totally goes in accordance with my odd years suck/even years rock hypothesis.

I’ve decided to this in parts, so here we go, Part 1: Winter 2009

The first exciting part of the new year started with my first real trip to New York City. My best friend and I had become maniacs about planning our trip throughout the end of 08 and the trip was exactly what I needed after a dismissal new year’s eve. In 3 nights I fell in love with the city – and it’s become almost an 09 fascination of mine to figure out a way to relocate there permanently (a tangent for another post I’m sure). All in all it was a great re-start to 2009.

Other highlights included the first of three Kings of Leon concerts, the first being at the Palace Theater in Louisville. Another obsession of the year (cause if nothing else I am a wee bit obsessive) was concerts and this year’s were the best to date (more to details to come). Having nothing to compare it to, the first show was pretty close to amazing. If only that crazed screaming girl standing directly in front of me with her thrashing arms had been sitting elsewhere, then it would have been totally amazing. February brought around my birthday which this year was a milestone: 2-5. Although not as scary as I initially thought 25 has been filled with ups and downs, a quarter life crisis if you will.

Towards the end of winter/early spring I volunteered to serve on the University of Kentucky’s Extension Committee as the representative of my sorority. The opportunity reminded how much I missed working as consultant for DZ and reconnected me to some of old friends from my Panhellenic days, but the weekly treks to Lexington muddled some of the fun of my newest hobby. In the end Alpha Phi was selected to colonize at UK and I felt privileged to give my help to the process.

With spring around the corner, more trips and some of the best concerts EVER were on the horizon. Stay tuned.

December 22, 2009

my life according to facebook

As a precursor to my upcoming “year in review” post I’d like to share with you my year according to facebook. Looks like I had a few adventures, watched a lot of TV and saw some of the best bands ever.

Tomorrow part 1 of my 2009 in review. You’ve been warned.

December 21, 2009

Merry Newsinator

I saw this on the Frisky last week and couldn't resist making one of my own. Not sure which part is my favorite, the Bernie Madoff bit or the Twilight reference.

December 2, 2009

holiday wish list

In no particular order….

These would look splendid on my bookcase next to my complete set of HP and Twilight.


December 1, 2009

Is it true what they say?

My mother (Bren as I affectionately refer to her as) and I are complete opposites. She’s blonde haired, blue eyed and rail thin. I, on the other end of the spectrum, have a crazy head of dark brown curls, oversized hazel eyes and a curvy figure.

She loves sci-fi (not syfy), Vermouth, NPR, Nova and other ridiculous things. I, of course, enjoy reality TV, Stella Artois, Pandora Radio and LOST.

The only thing we do have in common is our complete and utter lack of direction. We cannot get anywhere (and I do mean anywhere) without detailed instructions. But I proudly, do not have to beat the radio to concentrate when I get frazzled in traffic.

We’re salt and pepper, oil and water, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Jack Shephard and John Locke (I told you I love LOST). But lately, I’ve been noticing more of dear ole Bren in me. Is this the inevitable? Is it true what they say? We all become our mothers? If so, please brace yourself for me telling you the same story 10 times and not listening to 70% of what you say. Just a friendly warning. Love ya mom!