
February 27, 2011

A day at the movies

2-26-11 7
{Top: LOFT, Cardigan: J Crew, Scarf: Gift, Jeans: Martin & Osa, Belt: H&M, Boots: Steve Madden}

2-26-11 2

2-26-11 1

2-26-11 6

2-26-11 5

I spent a whooping 12 hours at the movies yesterday. Aside from seeing some fantastic films, I can add a sugar high and a diet coke induced head ache to my list of accomplishments. Perhaps I should also note how over dressed I was compared to my movie go-er counterparts. Apparently, I missed the memo that pjs and snuggies were the outfits of choice. But hey I have a 30 for 30 challenge to finish up. And if that means wearing my skinny jeans and eating myself to the sheer point of uncomfortable then so be it.

Side note, I think I've missed a remix recap somewhere {my bad}. If you're curious this is outfit #24 and all of my outfits are in the side to the right.

February 25, 2011

Friday: Round Two

{Top & Cardigan: J Crew, Pants & Necklace: Express, Belt: Limited, Shoes: Bandolino}



Two posts in one day? Yes it can be done. Looking at my calendar today, I realized in order to finish up the 30 for 30 before I leave for a work trip next week, I pretty much need be a baller. You know, knock it out. Pop! Pop! Basically, what this means for you is that you get two of me today {hope you don't mind}. It also gives me an opportunity to answer this week's Friend Friday questions. Here we go.

Creative Juices (most creative) - A Pretty Penny
We all know Keira is adorable and stylish, but she is creative to boot. She's a 30 for 30 remixing pro, a participant in project restyle AND a florist! In my book she can do no wrong.

The Real Deal (authenticity) - Hello, Monkeyface!
Despite her anonymity, Monk is as real as they come. I became acquainted with her blog {charm and wit} during the last 30 for 30, but now I hardly even notice the monkeyface. I think that's a testament to her funny and lovable personality.

Spark Notes (most helpful) - Miss Vinyl Ahoy
I easily could have listed Suze for a handful of these categories. I consider her a real friend although we've never met. She's an open book and willing to help, answer questions or just be an e-mail away to vent. If I ever have a real quarter life crisis, she's on my go to e-mail list for support.

Newbie (best blogger less than a year old) - Dwelling & Telling
If you don't know Linley now, I promise you will soon. She's pretty much blowing up the blogsphere with her awesomeness. And have you seen her go-go-gadget legs? Or her video tutorials? Yeah, just go ahead and click right on over.

Can You Hear Me Now (most connected) - The Auspicious Life
Linda is my Everybody, Everwear counterpart and to be honest she's the genius behind it. Sure, I may have ask a few people to wear gingham, but she's the one who saw the potential. What started out as a small group, is now a monthly group project with over 100+ submissions. If that's not connecting people, I don't know what is.

Tribe Leader (brings bloggers together) - Modly Chic
Friend Friday is the brain child of Katy! Not only is FBFF a great platform for discussion, it's also a great way to reach out and get to know other bloggers.

Practically Perfect (most fashionable) - Kristine. Or Polly.
Oh Kristine. Words cannot adequately describe how adorable she is. I could just pinch her cheeks {and steal her clothes} she's so cute.

Paint by Numbers (best beauty blogger) - The Daybook
Syd isn't a beauty blogger per say, but her makeup is always flawless. Not to mention it always perfectly compliments her outfit. Don't even get my started on the red lips.

Renaissance Woman (best all around) - Kendi Everyday
Kendi, the gal with it all. I've said it before, I feel like I'm cheer captain for Team Kendi. I'm sure you know, but I have it say it, she's great! Not only is stylish, she started a style blogging revolution with the 30 for 30 challenge. AND she's funny! Total. Package.

Say hello to my little friend

{Top: LOFT, Skirt: NY & Co., Tights: Gap, Belt: Limited, Scarf: Gift, Shoes: Bandolino}


2 things today: 1. Meet my reddish slash coraly belt {feel free to name this color, as I clearly am confused} 2. Meet my bare arms {can you see the goosebumps?}. It may have been a bit naive of me to bare my arms while it's still February {um hello there was snow on the ground this morning. Silly me}, but I just couldn't bring myself to throw on a cardigan. Good thing this scarf can double as a shaw if need be. In fact, I plan on bring this blanket scarf with me to the movies tomorrow. I'm going to AMC's Best Picture showcase {12 hours, 5 movies} and everyone knows you need to bring something warm to the movies. I think this guy will do just the trick.

February 24, 2011

Something Borrowed

{Top: H&M, Skirt: LOFT, Belt: NY & Co., Necklace: Borrowed, Tights: Express, Boots: Macys}


Oh the woes of bad weather and forgetting to bring your tripod home. No worries, my tripod wasn’t left in the park. Nope, it isn't lost either. See it's on a mini vacation at my parents' house. I had been staying there for a few days while they are on vacation and in my packing hasting yesterday morning I neglected to pack my good ole pal. Good thing I’m a pro at mirror photos and propping my camera on my clock radio, right?

On the plus side, staying at Jim and Bren's {aka Dad and Mom}, I got to take full advantage of my sister's accessory stash. Like this necklace! Isn't it cute? And yesterday's outfit wouldn't have been complete without her gray scarf. Oh yeah, AND they have cable! Since turning our cable off last week I've been in withdrawal. What is a girl to do without her Monday night ritual of Gossip Girl? Or her Thursday night comedy shows? Looks like I'll be headed back tonight.

February 23, 2011

A Page from J Crew's Book

{Top: Target, Skirt: J Crew, Scarf & Tights: Gap, Belt: Limited Boots: Steve Madden}




I could tell a little white lie and say this look is the result of pure 30 for 30 magic, but I can't do that to you guys. If you're a J Crew cataglog fanatic like myself, you'll likely be able to recall this ensemble's better half {if not, said better half is below for your viewing pleasure}.


I was starting to get a bit worried that with the rising temperatures, this outfit wouldn't see the light of the day. But the weather gods blessed with my almost freezing temperatures and I almost jumped with joy {okay, I shivered with joy}! Now will some put a call into Jenna Lyons and pass along my gratitude for styling such an adorable outfit?

February 22, 2011

Wearing the Pants

2-21-11 2
{Top: LOFT, Cardigan: J Crew, Pants & Necklace: Express, Belt: Anthro, Shoes: Bandolino}

2-21-11 1

2-21-11 6

I'll be the first to tell you, most days I don't feel like an adult whatsoever. I may be 27 and have a good job, but I still kind of feel like a kid {for the record mac and cheese is still my favorite meal}. But all of this moving apartment business is forcing me to make grown up decisions.

In the past week, I've hired movers. Figured out where in the heck my meter box is located. Discontinued my utilities. Searched for furniture. Spent hours reading decorating sites and magazines. I even did the dishes the last night! It's like I'm living in some alternative universe where I am actually acting my age. Weird.

February 21, 2011

Yet to Be Determined

2-18-11 3
{Top & Belt: Anthro, Skirt: Express, Tights & Bracelet: Limited, Shoes: Target}

2-18-11 4

2-18-11 5

2-18-11 1

No Ryan Gosling updates to report this morning. I know, you're just as bummed as I am. But hey it's Monday! Oh wait, that's a bummer too. Maybe I could talk about the nice weather? Err, it's actually kinda crummy outside {note the dead looking tree in my photos}. Fun weekend story? Nothing there either. Gosh, looks like I'm fresh out of interesting {or non interesting depending on how you see it} things to talk about.

Back to Ryan Gosling? Well this is what I actually wore when I was stalking admiring him on Friday. The combination of floral and leopard + purple tights had to make me stand out right? In the sea of black and gray that are the working force of Cincinnati how do you not notice the girl with just a tad too much purple? Whether this is a good or bad thing has yet to be determined.

February 18, 2011

I'm A Creep{er}

2-17-11 3
{Top & Shoes: Target, Cardigan: Ann Taylor, Pants & Necklace: Express, Belt: H&M}

2-17-11 5


I interrupt today’s rambling nonsense {like why my necklace looks so weird} to bring you a little evidence of my recent #GoslingWatch endeavors. Unfortunately, they were filming so I wasn’t able to properly introduce myself {or propose marriage} to Ry Ry. But they say the best relationships start off slow, so perhaps this was all for the best. Also, are you wondering who that dapper man is with the salt and pepper hair? Well that friends, is George Clooney. Despite being across the street you could easily spot his pearly whites. You could also see Ryan chugging a venti Starbucks coffee {a man after my own caffeine addicted heart}. Okay, time to stop typing and get on with the photos.

2-18-11 4

2-18-11 6

2-18-11 8

2-18-11 9

2-18-11 2

If that doesn't make your Friday a bit better, then I'm not sure what will.

February 17, 2011

A short dress and a long cardigan

{Dress: Love Culture, Cardigan: J Crew, Necklace: Macys, Tights: Express, Boots: Steve Madden}



Is it just me or I am pushing the proportional boundaries with this ensemble? Maybe this cardigan is just that long. Or maybe {hopefully not} this dress is a bit short. Thankfully, black opaque tights make this maybe/maybe not too short for work dress office appropriate. Oh just one of the many reasons I have a love affair with tights. Not only do they keep my legs cozy all winter long, they also allow me to push my hemline limits. Just to be safe, I did put this dress through the ultimate “is this too short for work” test aka the finger tip test. It passed {in case you were worried}.

February 16, 2011

No Gimmicks

{Top & Skirt: NY & Co., Belt: J Crew, Tights: Limited, Boots: Steve Madden}



This outfit is the result of hitting snooze twice this morning. Hitting snooze and then ultimately deciding to reset my alarm back another hour. So much for washing my hair {tmi?}, eating breakfast or venturing outside for photos. Do those sound like symptoms of exhaustion to anyone else? I don’t know why I am so tired, but I am. So for today’s outfit you get a no mess, easy does it, comfortable outfit. No fancy jewelry {unless you count my earrings which you can barely see}, fancy scarf or style gimmicks. I would say I’m going “back to basics”, but I don’t want you to think I’m a Christina Aguilera fan.

In other news, I’m sporting a fishtail braid today {hey Linley – like my fishtail?!}. If you ever want to opt out of styling your hair for another day, I highly recommend this ‘do. If I hadn’t already mentioned I didn’t wash my hair, would you even have known? Hmmm, on second thought don't answer that.

February 15, 2011

Blue Valentine

{Top: J Crew, Skirt: Express, Belt: NY & Co., Scarf: Local Boutique, Tights: Hue, Boots: Macys}



You want to know how much of a Valentine's Day person I am? Not only did it not dawn on me to wear red {or pink as that's the color I have in my remix}, but I didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day until someone at work asked me why I wasn't wearing red. Before you starting calling me the Grinch of Valentine’s, let me just say I didn’t intentionally wear blue to spite all of you lovely dovey V-Day people. It’s just this particular day is so off my radar, it didn’t even register. Now if you’re looking for a blue valentine, then I am girl.

Speaking of Blue Valentine....did you that's the name of a movie? A Ryan Gosling movie? If you follow me on twitter {@lizurso} then you know I am quite obsessed with finding Ry Ry while he is in town filming a movie. Apparently Saturday we were at the same establishment and I didn't even know! Then yesterday I passed the filming crew on the way to work {yes, I drove super slow with my windows down and sunglasses on in super stalker fashion}. Looks like I'm getting warmer. You know like that kids game, hot or cold? If things keep going this way, I predict I will actually see him in the flesh by Friday. Fingers crossed!

February 14, 2011

Recap Part II

remix recap 7-12

The count is up to 12, can you believe it? Oh you can. Okay me too. Can I make it up to you by sharing a secret? I've somehow managed to not document at least 3 outfits. Gah, I know I am an awful style blogger. My birthday outfit, came and went. The outfit I wore to Ikea {and wanted to take pictures of in a 500 Days of Summer spirit} gone. And then the outfit I donned for a family dinner, yep, you guessed it, not here. Maybe I'll just rewear them all and post them later. But you know what I do have? A little non-style recap. Let's call this "what Liz does in her free time instead of taking outfit photos" recap.


A Good Thing

2-11-11 1
{Top: LOFT, Cardigan, Scarf & Belt: J Crew, Jeans: Martin & Osa, Boots: Macys}

2-11-11 7

2-11-11 a


These shadowy photos are my to attempt capture the setting sunlight. I'll refrain from making any snap judgments and chalk this endeavor up to good ole trial and error. You know, if you look close enough you can see my tripod's shadowy figure. Silly tripod trying to steal my thunder. He's all proud and high on self steam for helping me boost up the quality of things around here. But I will not be out shined on my own turf.

Now that I spent a paragraph on shadows and my big ego tripod maybe I should get to the point of the matter. But seeing as I never have a point to make, I'm just going to share a big THANK YOU. Thanks to those of you who left me comments, tweets and e-mails wishing me a happy birthday. Rather than confusing anyone {ie me}, this blog will remain 26 & Counting. I know, I know...I'm 27 now, but who wants to change a good thing? Plus I did say "and counting".

February 13, 2011

Wind Chill

30 sometime
{Top: Limited, Skirt: NY & Co., Blazer: Target, Belts: J Crew & H&M, Tights: Hue, Boots: Macys}

30 sometime

Just so you know {cause I like to keep you guys in the loop} these pictures are from last Sunday {a very windy last Sunday}. Somehow between Everybody, Everywear and the Paper Doll Project this outfit got left behind. No disrespect to the outfit of course, because it is a great little black ensemble, perfect for my weekend shift in the retail world.

I'm keeping it short today because I have some pretty big plans! Big plans that include laying around watching Friday Night Lights all day, followed by a birthday dinner with my family. You know what they say in Dillon. Clear eyes, birthday cake, can't lose!

February 12, 2011

and counting...

I wrote this post on my birthday last year.
Look at me now ma! I got a video!

And that my friends concludes today's portion of self indulgence.

February 11, 2011


2-10-11 3
{Top: H&M, Skirt: J Crew, Belt & Bracelet: Limited, Necklace: UO, Tights: Gap, Boots: Steve Madden}

2-10-11 a

2-10-11 2

2-10-11 b

I’m feeling a bit like a Laker girl. That is if Laker girls were knee length wool skirts and turtleneck tops. So maybe, a 1950s Laker girl? Not sure if it was the yellow skirt or the false façade of warmth the sun was creating this morning, but I felt the urge to brave the cold {here we go again} weather. For the record I lasted a whole 2 self timing sessions before I literally ran back to my {still running} car. Oh the things I do in the name of blogging! Come to think of it, I suppose I've adopted some other lifestyle changes since blogging.

- Like waking up almost an hour earlier than I did during my pre blog days {who knew blogging was so much work?}

- Or wearing bold lipstick because I think it makes a photo just a tad bit better {and it adds a pep to my step}

- And finally opting out of wearing black pants for the umpteenth time {um, boring}

Today's Friend Friday questions are coincidentally about color. As always, check out Katy's blog Modly Chic for more info on #FBFF.

1. What color dominates your closet?
I have a lot of neutrals – especially black and gray, but neutrals aren’t really colors are they? So rather than getting off topic {I'm bad about that} I’d say purple, blue and green dominate the other colors in my closet.

2. If money weren't an issue how would you change the color emphasis in your closet? Adding more color has been a project of mine for the last year or so. While I do still pick up the occasional black piece, I have added a good amount of color. Going forward I’d like to focus on adding a few colors I don't have much of. Recently, that was pink. Up next? Maybe orange? Or more colored patterns.

3. What is your mantra about mixing colors?
I used to have a mantra. It was called no mixing brown and black. Once I realized how idiotic that was, I threw all other would be mantras out of the window and just started experimenting.

4. For you, how do you incorporate color into your outfits?
Having a primarily neutral based closet, it took me a while to get used to wearing color. But wearing color, slowly developed into coordinating colors, and now I'm well on my way to being plain old colorful. Now that I gravitate more naturally to color, my choices are more a reflection of my mood. In addition, I'm been trying to buy signature pieces that are colorful. This J Crew yellow skirt is great example, as are a few of my printed Anthro tops.

5. Which blogger(s) do you think do a good job of incorporating color into their wardrobe?
You know there are a lot color experts out there. Monkeyface is excellent at mixing colors in a professional and fun way. Suze is also a great color master. Linley, Kinsey, Kristine! I could go on and on. They’re all color inspiration-istas.