
March 31, 2011

Hey, Weatherman! Can You Hear Me?

{Top, Skirt, Cardigan: J Crew, Belt & Tights: Limited, Scarf: Gift, Boots: Steve Madden}


Thanks for the kind words yesterday. It seems like I'm not the only one with the winter blues. I mean, hello, it's March! What's up with having to wear this many layers? I feel so bogged down with clothes over clothes over clothes that I'm just not feeling it. Nothing against this outfit {hello, I love this yellow skirt} but I'm just not crazy about it. I want my ankle pants, dresses and open toes shoes. Not freezing temperatures and bitter wind. Mr. Weatherman can you hear me? It's Liz and I'm angry at you. And today of all days - Opening Day - the high here is 40? You have got to be kidding me. Speaking of Opening Day, I'll be cheering on the Reds despite this unacceptable "spring" weather {and no this isn't my outfit for the game, it's from earlier this week ok?!}.

Because I don't want to end this on less than positive note. Let me just tell you that in my spring longing yesterday, I scurried over to the LOFT and picked up some adorable spring items. And guess what apparently according to LOFT standards it's already time for a spring sale! Imagine that - spring items on sale when it's barely above freezing. Oh well, 40% off sale items is one thing I will not complain about. EVER!

@LOFT goodies
{LOFT Goodies}

March 30, 2011

A little help from my friend

3-28-11 2
{Top: Anthro, Skirt & Belt: NY & Co., Tights: Express, Boots: Steve Madden}

3-28-11 3

3-28-11 1


I'm sure the 30 for 30 is just about out of everyone's mind by now, right? We're all happy to be returned to full access of our closets? Well, apparently not me {sorry closet} seeing as I'm still gravitating towards those pieces. So let's just go ahead and call this outfit #31. What can I say, I just love this top and, well, this skirt is also high on the charts too. Basically, what I'm trying to get around to saying is that getting dressed these past few weeks has been less than fun {hope that confession isn't against the Style Blogger's Rules of Conduct} Maybe it's a prolonged winter funk. Or maybe I'm just bored. So as my good friend Linley mentioned yesterday, when in doubt go for your favorite pieces. That's definitely what happened here.

March 29, 2011

Jump Around

3-24-11 4
{Top: J Crew, Dress: Gap, Belt: NY & Co., Necklace, Express, Boots: Steve Madden}

3-24-11 1

3-24-11 3

3-24-11 2

3-24-11 5

This wasn't what I originally had in mind when I got dressed this morning. I'm sure you know how that goes, right? What starts as a clear idea in your head, but then somehow unintentionally morphs into something with a completely different feel. That's what happened with this outfit. Rather than pairing this dress with the intended crisp white button down {do those even exist?}, I changed direction and went with a more muted color palette. It feels a bit student-teacher to me. Maybe that's because jumpers remind me of school. Or maybe just my mother making me wear jumpers to school. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is I feel a bit librarian chic. Someone just throw me some readers and I'll be good to go.

March 28, 2011

Sports Rant

3-23-11 5
{Top: Anthro, Skirt: Express, Belt: J Crew, Shoes: Macys}

3-23-11 3

3-23-11 2

3-23-11 1

It's been quite the weekend {more on that in a moment}. But before you start thinking I donned a pencil skirt and heels outside of the office - let me just say this is from last week. Which feels light years away since it snowed last night. Yes it snowed. It also melted by noon. But regardless I was not a happy camper this morning when I woke up. As for the weekend it was filled with college basketball {with a side of practice test taking}. SPORTS DISCLAIMER: The text below is some proud rambling regarding UK basketball. Please feel free to pass GO and collect $200.

After 2 sensational victories, my college alma mater is headed to the Final Four. I may have moved across the river to Ohio, but I am a Kentucky girl at heart. Speaking of my heart, it was pretty much beating out of my chest all weekend. Not only did Kentucky beat Ohio State but also that team-with-the-not-quite-as-pretty-blue, North Carolina. With the Final Four and Reds Opening Day later this week, I can't promise this will be the last sports post.

/End sports rant.

So what did you guys do this weekend?

March 24, 2011

When in doubt, talk about cookies

3-22-11 1
{Top: NY&Co., Cardigan: LOFT, Pants: Limited, Belt: J Crew, Flower Pin: H&M, Shoes: Macys}

3-22-11  3

3-22-11 2

3-22-11  4

3-22-11 5

You know I’ve been staring at this blank page going on 20 minutes now. Easter Egg to Mostly Black? Scratch. Joke about my flower pin and return of cold weather? Nah. Story about how I hit snooze 1 too many times? Been there, done that. Maybe I should just call it the Thursday Effect? With the weekend practically here {if I keep saying that maybe it will magically turn into 5pm on Friday}, my mind has shut off and is no longer willing to work/blog/function. Maybe I’ve overdone it with the studies and short circuited my blogging ability?

How about the story about the extremely large and delicious molasses iced cookie I just devoured. Yeah, let’s go with that. Guys, I think this is what heaven tastes like. It was straight up awesome! I don’t even care if it was probably 1,000 calories. It was that good. So good that now, I think I’m addicted. It’s my new {way too fattening} favorite afternoon treat. Just typing about it is making my mouth water all over again.

March 23, 2011

A Spring First

3-21-11 4
{Top: NY&Co., Skirt: Limited, Belt: J Crew, Shoes: Macys}

3-21-11 1

3-21-11 2

3-21-11 3

Two days is the apparent max on Casual Liz. Not that I don't want to be Casual Liz, its just that my boss prefers BC {business casual} Liz. So here we are and a skirt it is. And look - bare legs! The weather is finally creeping up to the 70s and I couldn't be more ecstatic. Although as I type this, tornado sirens are going off in the background. But hey, I'll take spring weather {crazy weather warnings included} if it means the end of frost/snow/ice/oranythingelseCOLD. One of co-workers picked up on my excitement for Spring. You know what she told me? That I looked like an Easter egg. Considering what else she could of said, I'll take it as as compliment.

March 22, 2011

Time to get serious

3-19-11 2
{Top: Gap, Jeans: Limited, Belt: H&M, Bracelet: LOFT, Shoes: Target}

3-19-11 4

A promise is a promise, so here you go, my second straight casual look. This may be an all-time record. Go me. Some days jeans and a t-shirt are what the doctor ordered. Altough, I think my doc forgot to mention NOT to wear those jeans with the pesky buttons on the back pockets. 8 hours later and my bottom was sort of sore. TMI? Sorry. But it’s the effing truth. Note to self, don’t wear these jeans on test day.

Speaking of, a few of you asked when is test day. Don’t think I was ignoring you. I just hadn’t scheduled it yet. But that’s no more. D-Day, I mean Test Day, is April 23rd. $250 later and I wonder if I should’ve just gone shopping at Anthro instead? Nothing like spending a little bit of money to make me get a WHOLE HECK OF A LOT MORE serious about this thing. Please excuse me while I go googling for the following: GMAT tricks, prayers to say prior to taking the GMAT, what’s the best letter to guess when you can’t answer a GMAT question and so on.

March 21, 2011

Don't judge my grammar

{Top: Express, Cardigan: J Crew, Jeans: Old Navy, Scarf: Gap, Shoes: Target}




Seeing as I'm sure you missed me terribly while I was gone I thought I'd give you all a present. Rather than sending a postcard or getting you some cheesy present from the hotel gift shop, you get something infinitely better! 2 posts in 1 day {you're welcome}. In addition to presents, I also come bearing news. You may have noticed some blabber about school/prep classes/test/blah/blah recently. I'm in the midst of studying for the GMAT. And by studying, I mean I finally opened my review book and spent 16 hours this weekend in a prep class. What I thought would "refresh my memory" has only made me terrified that I have forgotten nearly everything {which quite honestly wasn't much} I learned in school. In fact, I've practiced so many sentence correction problems that I'm fairly certain that every sentence I type is incorrect grammar. You don't mind though, right? Gosh I hope not.

Basically, I spent the day in a tiny classroom {with zero windows}, pouring over bad sentences {no one's idea of fun} and analyzing {absurd} critical reasoning questions. But sitting in class did afford me the advantage of jeans. So ta-da. Casual Liz rears her slightly blonder head. Stay tuned for Saturday's equally casual outfit tomorrow. Until then.

While I Was Out

Well hi there! It's me - Liz. You know that business casual girl who writes a blog in a totally non-business casual kinda way? Well I'm back from Florida {a bit sun burnt} and I survived the weekend in all it's GMAT-prep glory {by the way I'm open to suggestions and test taking tricks}.

I've have a few outfit posts back logged, but I wanted to share with you Conference Liz. Thanks to the extremely large full length mirror in my room, I'm able to give you a little peak at my "conference" attire. I say "conference" because it's really just my usual work look with just a bit more polish. Think work wear after 5pm.

{Dress: Gap, Belt: J Crew Outlet, Shoes {which you can't see}: Macys}

{Top: Anthro, Pants: Limited, Shoes {which you can't see}: Macys}

{Top: LOFT, Skirt: J Crew, Belt: Anthro, Shoes {which you can't see} Macys}

There are a few outfits that didn't get photographed. C'est la vie. I suppose that means I get to re-wear them and blog them later, right?

March 17, 2011

Guest Post: Miss B Gets Dressed

I interrupt your normal 26 and Counting jibber-jabber to bring you a series of guest posts. While I am away at a conference for work, let me introduce you to a few of my favorite bloggers. Today's guest post? A former Cincinnatian {move back B!} - the uber talented and fashionable Betsy from Miss B Gets Dressed!


Hello, Lovers of all things Liz! Do you miss her pretty face as much as I do? My name is Betsy of Miss B Gets Dressed and the good news is that this is Liz's last guest post before she'll grace us all with her presence again. I'm a bedding and bath product designer by day and a style blogger by early morning. I'd say night but I honestly write all of my post before work. When Liz asked me to guest post is was around the same time she was moving in to her new apartment and she had sent me a few images of her living room to get some ideas for decorating. So thought it might be fun for you all to see the result as well.

This is what we started with:

Picture 17

Aren't her red couches so much fun? I thought they were a great starting point. I found a few inspiration images and this is what Liz liked best.

Picture 13

From there I went online shopping, well online window shopping and came up with this little smattering of product for her.

Picture 20

Picture 16
lamp, #2 pillow, L pillow, yellow pillow, throw, faux shearling, tray, pears, rug (similar)

A few of the pieces are a bit aspirational but I just couldn't resist the little Adler L Pillow. I hope you all and Liz think this looks like a living room Liz could live in, because that's what such rooms are for. Either way I had a lot of fun and after a few hours spent staring at Liz's couches have decided that I must get myself a brightly colored couch. I think Liz should invite us over for a little sorie to celebrate her new place. I'd even sort of match the room :-) Don't you think?


Only one more day until the weekend and until Liz comes back! Thanks for letting me fill her shoes for a day and i hope you all will pop over to my blog. I love new friends.

March 16, 2011

Guest Post: Kristine. Or Polly.

I interrupt your normal 26 and Counting jibber-jabber to bring you a series of guest posts. While I am away at a conference for work, let me introduce you to a few of my favorite bloggers. Today's guest post? The adorable and oh so nice Kristine. Or Polly.

Hi there! I'm Kristine from Kristine. Or Polly.


I'm a 21-year old newlywed currently living in Phoenix, AZ (and preparing to move to Toyama, Japan)! I like brownies, holidays, bright colors, bunnies, big glasses, and lemon zinger herbal tea. Oh yeah, and I also like clothes and personal style, which is what my blog is all about. I absolutely adore Liz and was so thrilled when she asked me to guest post :)

Liz is the queen of corporate chic. I'm not very corporate anything, so I thought I'd combine her corporate aesthetic with one of my great loves - patterns. I absolutely adore patterns. I would say they are a quintessential element of my wardrobe. However, I know how hard it is to wear them in the office without feeling like you are, well, not being taken seriously. The trick to maintaining a professional image is to wear one bold patterned item at a time! (But let's be honest... I would definitely prefer to pile them all on.)

Here are a few of patterned pieces that I would love to have in my work wardrobe!

This top from ModCloth is perfect for the office. You can't get more classic than black and white. The pattern is comprised of simple polka dots- a very non-offensive print for the easily distracted. This would look great with a sleek black pencil skirt or tucked into cropped pants.Or add a pop of red with a red skinny belt and some red pointy-toed pumps!

I love fun, work appropriate skirts! This skirt from Anthropologie, while very bright and bold, can easily be toned down with a simple white blouse, a brown belt, and brown heels. Such a great variation from the standard black pencil skirt! For those of you on a budget, I find that skirts with longer lengths are abundant in vintage shops.

Shoes are such a great, subtle way to add patterns! I chose these leopard print pumps from Forever 21. Leopard print heels are a great way to spice up a neutral colored outfit. Wear them with some black cropped pants to show them off!

Liz is great at incorporating scarves into her work wardrobe. I chose this mustard polka dot scarf from Topshop, which would definitely add a nice pop of color to any outfit. I find that mustard is one of those colors that somehow just looks good with everything. If you're feeling gutsy, after work, pair it with the black blouse above. I love the polka-dot-on-polka-dot look!

Well, there you have it! Good luck making the office a more patterned-filled place!

March 15, 2011

Guest Post: Hello, Monkeyface!

I interrupt your normal 26 and Counting jibber-jabber to bring you a series of guest posts. While I am away at a conference for work, let me introduce you to a few of my favorite bloggers. Today's guest post? The one and only, Monk {yep, we're tight we on a nickname basis} from Hello, Monkeyface!

{Blazer: Old Navy, Sweaterdress: H&M, Tights: Super old who can remember, Boots: Ciao Bella}


OH, HI. For those of you who are blind to images but can still read text (it exists), THIS IS NOT LIZ. THIS IS MONKEYFACE. I guess you're a little deaf too and that's why I'm shouting. Really you should prolly get all that checked out. Not everyone's going to be as nice as me and shout what pictures look like to you. It's just a fact.

Um, anyway...this is my version of Corporate Chic à la Lizface (she loves that, btw). I don't work in a corporate atmosphere and I sometimes think my style is a little more - how you say? - "sheet" than "chic" but a girl's gotta try, am I right?! And maybe when one tries, one ends up looking a little like a horse jockey. If that's the term, I don't even know. I'm not a horse jockey. I just play one on Liz's blog.

Yeah I'm pretty excited for her return, too. ;)