
April 28, 2011

two out of three

4/28/11 5
{Top & Belt: H&M, Jeans & Blazer: Gap, Necklace: c/o Linley Shea, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Shoes: Target}

4/28/11 2

4/28/11 1

4/28/11 3

4/28/11 4

I had the luxury of the morning off. Working until 6:30 most nights of the week doesn’t leave a lot of time for those silly adult things like going to the bank, oil changes and grocery shopping. So I spent the morning running around town and thought I’d snap a few shots in my non-work clothes {that would be Liz speak for jeans}. While waiting in line for the ATM I spotted this location. It was like that saying, killing two birds with one stone, except I didn’t harm any birds slash there were no stones involved. As for the morning, consider it a success. I didn't quite make it to the grocery store, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

April 27, 2011

Rainy Day Blues

4/27/11 1
{Dress: American Eagle, Cardigan: New York & Co., Scarf: Old Navy, Belt: J Crew, Shoes: Macys}

4/27/11 5

4/27/11 4

4/27/11 2

4/27/11 3
{please note the bystander giving me the LOOK}

I did intentionally plan this blue on blue assemble. I did NOT, however, plan the rain and I most certainly did not coordinate my umbrella to my outfit. That was just coincidence. Other things I did not plan this morning? The tornado sirens going off during these photos. The wind from alleged tornado blowing my dress to almost reveal the goodies. Grain-y photos due to said weather conditions. Capturing an aerobic walker in the background of these photos {I was in a hurry because it was RAINING and was not about to wait for her to pass by okay?}. Other than that, today has been pretty good.

April 26, 2011

Either Way

{Top: Anthro, Pants: Limited, Belt: H&M, Jacket: Gap, Flower Pin: Old Navy, Necklace: c/o Linley Shea, Shoes: Target}






Well hello again outside world. Nice to see that you stopped raining for a moment and cooperated with my outdoor photo shoot. You see, I have lots of things to talk about today {kinda like how there are a lot of things going on with this outfit} and a rainy day just won’t go along with my whole PLAN. Let’s start with the outfit. I may have gone a little over board during last night’s inspiration session, but I couldn’t resist this floral + military look. Then I took it one step further and added my leopard print flats for good measure. Is it too much? Maybe. Do I love it? Absolutely.

Why did I go the floral route? Well see, Linda and I announced the top 3 choices for next month’s Everybody Everywear {floral being one of the choices} yesterday I couldn’t resist wearing my favorite top until May 10th. I try my best to be impartial but I think I have a clear favorite this month. But the truth of the matter is that the decision isn’t really up to Linda or me. It’s up to you. So go vote!

And what about this scenery? It seems as though I have a thing for parks. But I will have you know this is a totally different locale {and state} than my previous photo park. Anyone else getting a bit of Monkeyface vibe with the bridge as my backdrop? Yeah. That was intentional. If I had her photoshop skills I would have gone the whole animated face route but I don’t, so I didn’t.

So let’s see…did I hit everything? Fashion hodgepodge? Check. Everybody, Everywear? Yep! A little ode to my friend Monkeyface? Double check. Well alright then. Let's consider this a success.

Floral Top Remixed

April 25, 2011

A better than average Monday

{Top: LOFT, Skirt: Thrifted, Cardigan: Anthro, Belt: J Crew, Bracelet: Francesca's, Shoes: Macys}





Come Monday morning I’m usually pretty grumpy. Yeah sure the weekend is over and that’s always bummer. But I am also tired as h-e-double-hockey-sticks. Pretty much by Friday night/Saturday morning, my internal clock automatically reverts to college mode. Meaning I can’t manage to fall asleep until midnight or later or wake up anytime before 10am. But despite my usual Monday sleep deprivation, I’m feeling pretty good today. My coffee was particularly tasty this morning. My outfit came together with zero planning. And my despite the rain, my hair really isn’t all that frizzy {ps, that’s a miracle}.

But really the credit for my better than average mood goes to awesome weekend I had. Even that thing that I’m not talking about anymore {and I did pretty good} couldn’t ruin the weekend for me! I had the pleasure to meet and hang out with one of my favorite bloggers Betsy {unfortunately we were busy chatting and having fun and forgot to snap any photos}. Plus there were the nutella pastries that my mom made for Easter. But back to meeting Betsy, Miss B if you will. Have you met someone and thought “how have we not met before?” Well that was how I felt about Betsy. I’ll spare you all the stories and giggling but I will highly suggest that you click right on over to her blog. And while you’re at it, tell her hello.

April 22, 2011

Wish Me Luck

{Top: Gap, Cardigan: Martin & Osa, Pants: Limited, Belt: J Crew, Bracelet: H&M, Shoes: Macys}




Since starting this little endeavor called a blog, I’ve noticed a few changes. Mostly that I rarely wear pants. That came out wrong. I do wear pants, just not so much on the blog. You know, I’m not sure if I was getting bored with pants or that my style has changed. But today is a pants today. I know it’s going to be a long one {work, errands, last day of test prep} so I opted for something that would be comfortable until bedtime {aka 9pm}.

Just think – with tomorrow being my test and all – this should be my last post rambling on about GMAT studying, bedtimes and silly math {okay, may be not bedtimes but everything else}. Now I can’t make any promises that “application process” posts won’t start flowing so be warned. Maybe I should start calling this blog 26 and The Grad School Admissions Process. It has a ring to it don’t you think?

April 21, 2011

This was supposed to be yesterday's outfit, but life happens

{Top & Cardigan: LOFT, Skirt: J Crew, Belt: H&M, Necklace: c/o Linley Shea, Shoes: Bandolino}



So much for planning. I meant to wear and post this outfit yesterday {obviously that didn't happen}. But I was abruptly woken up {twice no less} by the severe weather siren. You know had there actually been severe weather I would have understood been thankful, but no. Just a bit of rain and little branches blowing around. If anything, I was able to determine the location of the said siren. Right.Outside.My.Window. Yep. No way I was going to miss that.

What I am trying to say is that instead of wearing this yesterday, I opted to get an extra 45 minutes of sleep, skipped washing my hair and threw on something I wore before. See the reason I was/am excited for this outfit is because I wanted to show off this necklace. I mean how cute is it {answer: way cute}? My friend Linley sent it to me. And if you have a little extra time on your hands, be sure to check out her Etsy Store for more adorable stuff.

April 19, 2011

some days you get the cliff notes version of my blog, today is one of those days

{Top: Limited, Skirt: Thrifted, Belt: NY & Co., Scarf: H&M, Shoes: Bandolino}




Some quick observations

-May camera settings may or may not have been totally jacked up this morning
-I skipped my usual coffee routine and I think it shows
-There is a hybrid of lace, floral and checks going on here today. And I like it.
-I have the feeling that today is going to be a loooong one

April 18, 2011

Easter Egg, v.2

{Top: Limited, Skirt: Thrifted, Belt: J Crew, Shoes: Macys}





Hello! Happy Monday, or as I'm calling this entire week, Test Week. The GMAT is upon us {well really it's upon me, but that doesn't sound right and I prefer thinking we're all in this together}. Thanks for all of your well wishes, studying suggestions and overall awesomeness! You all are the best group of bloggy friends! Really, you are. I'm a lucky girl.

So I'm getting ready to go to work {yep my day starts at 9:30} and I can't help but wonder if I'm going to get another Easter egg comment today. I'd put the odds at 5:2. Yes I'm talking in ratios. Actually, I need to study ratios...and geometry....and quadratic equations. Well you get the idea.

April 13, 2011

Putting It Out There

{Top: Target, Cardigan & Belt: JCrew, Pants: Limited, Flower Pin: Old Navy, Shoes: Macys}





In an effort to break up my skirt + vneck t-shirt combo {aka my spring/summer staple} I'm wearing pants today. Plus it's cold {again} and I couldn't find my brown tights this morning to go with the dress I laid out. So.Pants.It.Is.

Did I mention it's cold? I'm just as tired of writing it, as you are of reading it trust me. From here on out it's going to be a fairly hectic week and a half so I may be posting sporadically. My GMAT test is only 10 days away and I still have A LOT of studying to do. Plus I have some bridesmaid obligations this weekend so I should probably back away from the computer. Of course now that I say this, watch me post everyday. But I had to put it out there. Let the digital unplugging begin.

April 12, 2011

Something Old, Something New

{Top: JCrew, Skirt: Thrifted, Necklace: Anthro, Shoes: Macys}





Wondering what's old and new in this outfit {if you read my outfit details above you know the answer, but just play along okay}? Actually, this skirt and top are both new {to me} but the skirt, friends, is my first thrifted treasure. Please hold your applause until the end. Thank you.

You know as I was laughing at myself {I'm sure you do that too, laugh at yourself that is, right?} about my little "something old, something new" joke I realized I'm wearing something borrowed too. This necklace - long story short it was actually mine once upon a time but then I sold it to my sister and now, well, I'm borrowing it. That counts as borrowing, I think. If only I was wearing something blue. Oh wait, navy is blue! I'm just encompassing that entire wedding saying in one outfit. Maybe I should take the plunge and walk down the aisle. If only there was a boy {and boy I mean Ryan Gosling} in the picture who could be waiting for me at the end. Until then let's just call this my wedding dress separates.

April 11, 2011

My Hypothesis

{Top: H&M, Cardigan: JCrew, Skirt: LOFT, Flower Pin: Thrifted, Necklace: BR, Shoes: Macys}




I think it's scientific fact that Mondays after a 3-day weekend are significantly worse than regular Mondays. That extra day of sleeping in until past 9 really throws my usual schedule for a loop. So instead of getting up at 630 today, I played the snooze game until a little after 7. Ooops. Good thing I planned this outfit a head of time because I didn't have any time to spare this morning. Actually I still don't have any time to spare so I may need to cut this a bit short. But not before mentioning this is one of my new skirts. Yes, I said one of. I went on a bit of skirt binge-er this weekend at the thrift store. The final count? 6 skirts {not counting this one - it was super on sale at LOFT}. Good thing it was half price day at Goodwill. 6 skirts for about $20 isn't too bad, right?