
July 29, 2011

Fair Warning

{Top & Belt: Limited, Skirt: LOFT, Necklace: Banana Republic,Bracelets: H&M, Shoes: Alfani}






Maybe you’re thinking, Liz what’s this shirt? Is it in your remix? My answer is, unfortunately yes. I’ve hit the 20+ outfit mark and I am just now finally wearing this shirt. I try to embrace red, I really do, but honestly I just think it’s not meant to be. Red shoes, great! Red lips, sure why not? But red tops, I am not really sold on it. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how I feel about red pants because, well, I've never gone there.

But I’m sucking it up {finally} here on outfit 21. Welcome to the party red shirt. And oh just for fair warning, you’ll probably be seeing a lot of this guy from here on out considering most of my remaining outfit ideas involve this top. Man, pay back is brutal.

July 28, 2011


{Dress & Scarf: Gap, Belt: JCrew, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Ring: Limited, Shoes: Alfani}





Oh Little Black Dress, how I love thee. You’re jersey material is so comfy {and machine washable} just like pajamas and your exposed zipper in the back makes you just the right amount of edgy. Yeah sure, your tulip skirt may make it seem as if I have a bun in the oven {for the record I don’t}, but I love you anyway. You’re mine and that’s all that matters. Sure that one time I couldn’t get you zipped all the way {single girl problem} and it was awkward when the man at Starbucks zipped you up for me, but that’s all in the past. We shared a moment at the Gap Sales Rack and for better or worst we're sticking together, faux baby and all.

July 27, 2011

Red Meets Blue

{Top: NY&Co., Skirt: Loft, Belt: Limited, Shoes: Target}





The above are both the colors of my outfit and a song I happen to love. Have you heard of it? This one time in college {Is that a bad way to start a blog post? Wait, on second thought, don’t answer that} an adorable boy, strumming his guitar stopped by the good ole sorority house. This of course made us girls giddy and obviously we immediately fell in love with him. Turns out the boy was an actual musician. This is was a welcome change from the usual slew of fraternity boys who pretended to be musicians {you know the type – swoopy hair half covering their face, trying to sing John Mayer}. The song he sang {this is the part of story where I try bring everything back full circle} was called Red Meets Blue. I’m not gonna say it’s the best song ever written, but a bunch of 20 year girls did love it. Granted we were wearing sweatpants and tacky college t-shirts so our taste is, well, debatable.

July 25, 2011

All in stride

{Top: BR Outlet, Pants: Limited, Belt: NY&Co., Flower Pin: Old Navy, Bracelet: LOFT, Shoes: Macys}






Is it smogaggedon out here or what? You know, I usually wear my shades while driving to the park in the morning {it's so bright!} and if I forget to take them off they end up in outfit shots. Today, I walked out of my car and before I could so much as double click my remote thingy my shades were completely fogged up. What's a little fog, I thought. Surely it would go away fast, right? So I took it all in stride and headed off to find a spot. That was until my stride stumbled over the curb. Time to take the shades off Liz, no twisted ankles needed.

July 22, 2011


{Dress: Anthro, Cardigan & Necklace: J Crew, Belt: H&M, Shoes: Macys}




If you haven't noticed, I tend to take my photos in the same park everyday. At this point, the grounds crew considers me a regular. They smile and say "taking photos again today miss?" and I just nod and try not to look creepy. And those folks hi-speed walking around the mini-track, we're tight now. And when I say tight, I mean I don't scare them anymore either. Today of all todays, I noticed another lady standing awkwardly with her tripod and camera. Ok, she wasn't taking outfit photos, but we did bond.

July 20, 2011


{Dress as a Top: Target, Skirt: Thrifted, Belt: J Crew, Bracelet: F21, Shoes: Macys}






Nothing like the good ole dress as a shirt trick to spruce up an ordinary outfit. I was feeling a bit stumped when it came to re-styling this dress. I had done the basic belt and necklace and then opted to change up the color scheme during my second act. But this outfit just goes to show how the 30 for 30 can press your style rules to the extreme.

Of course this outfit wasn't without it's imprefections. Halway through the day, I found a slit in my skirt that I never noticed before. Oh don't mind my olive slip co-workers, I just like to coordinate my under garments with my top that's all. Honestly, I don't think anyone noticed....until I pointed it out.

Thrift | Everybody, Everywear

July 19, 2011

Pit Stop


A promise is a promise so here's a glimpse at my first 15 outfits.
Funny to think not only have I hit the halfway mark, I also captured a bit of a hair color switch in the process.

Any favorites? Or combinations I should try?
Let me know in the comments!

A Good Friend

{Top: Anthro, Skirt: Target, Belt: NY&Co., Bracelets: H&M / F21, Shoes: Macys}






I still have a few pieces in my 30 for 30 that have yet to make their remixing debut. This silky floral gem is one of those pieces. You know, I hadn't planned on wearing these things together but sometimes the style mice in my head start running double time and I end up in outfits before I realize it. This is definitely one of those outfits. It's kinda like a friend I wasn't expecting to meet and ended staying up with all night chatting. I like those friends and I love this outfit. This outfit also marks the halfway point in the remix. Check back later for a little halfway celebration reflection.

July 18, 2011

Review: Hana 1 1/2 Flat Iron

Time out. Can we talk about hair for a minute? I don’t know about you, but my hair has a serious impact on my day. No amount of cute clothes or fun makeup can save my mood from a bad hair day. But on the flip side, a good hair day can make my day absolutely spectacular! Funny to think that something as a normal and routine as hair has such an impact on my day. But it does. I wish I could say, I’m a get out of the shower and go type of girl but that’s hardly the case. The real story is that I have thick, frizzy hair that takes about 40 minutes to blow dry and flat iron {and that’s with a Brazilian Blowout}!

I’ve received a few comments, e-mails and whatnot about my hair, so today I thought I’d talk about the number one hair care piece in my arsenal {and by arsenal I mean that entire cabinet in my apartment dedicated to brushes, products and tools}: the flat iron. To say I rely daily on my flat is an understatement. In fact, I rarely show my face to the outside world without at least one pass of the flat iron {or a big hat}. For the past week I have been using the Hana 1 ½ inch flat iron thanks to the generous folks at

Since receiving the Hana 1 ½ inch flat iron, I've been alternating between straight and curled hair styles. It took me a day or two to adjust to using a wider flat iron {for reference my flat iron is 1 inch}, but I noticed almost immediately that my hair was softer and required less flat ironing. If you’re hair guru like myself, you’ll appreciate that the Hana is a ceramic flat iron with a number of heat settings {I automatically turned to the highest temp, 450°F}. If you’re someone who curls your hair with a flat iron, I highly recommend the Hana. I definitely preferred the looser curls that Hana created compared to my usual flat iron. All in all I really like this flat iron. The Hana definitely a great straigthener. If you're in the market for a flat iron that will keep your hair healthy while cutting down the amount of time you spend styling your hair, the Hana is for you!

For those of you interested in seeing my everyday hair routine and the Hana in action check out my video below.

July 13, 2011

Slow & Steady

{Top: Francesca's, Skirt: J Crew, Belt: Limited, Necklace: Lia Sophia, Bracelets: Charming Charlie, Shoes: Macys}






While others are gearing up to finish their 30 for 30, I am just nearing the half-way point {it’s day 14 if you’re curious}. I knew going into this remix that it would take a bit longer than usual to create/wear/edit/post/youknowthedrill 30 outfits. But one of the best things about the challenge is that it’s your own. If it takes me 2 months to finish this thing up then so be it. I’ve probably worn close to 20 outfits but with rain, grad school applications, getting sick and road trips galore picture taking hasn’t always been a priority.

Skirt Remixed-horz
{Skirt & Top Remixed}

July 12, 2011

Cross my heart

{Dress: Anthropologie, Belt: NY&Co., Flower Pin: H&M, Bracelets: Charming Charlie, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Shoes: Macys}





When yellow was voted as this month’s Everybody, Everywear item I joked that I may need put a pause to my 30 for 30 remix in order to participate. Turns out the joke was on me because this little lovely yellow number is definitely one of my 30 for 30 items! Maybe you’re thinking, “Liz you didn’t post your 30 for 30 items. How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I cross my heart and swear to the bloggy higher ups you can! My brain is so fried from the summer heat, I don’t think I could put together a coherent white lie to save my life. The unfortunate truth is, I am just slightly forgetful. Just not completely forgetful {thankfully}.

Hop on over to EBEW and check out how others are styling their yellow pieces.

Yellow | Everybody, Everywear