
January 30, 2012

Under the Radar v. 2.0

Just another couple of outfits that I unfortunately didn't have the chance to properly documented. But I liked them and figured I'd share them.




I'm in the midst of studying for a final and then I'm headed off to California at the end of the week for work but as long as it will fit, I'm bringing my tripod with me.

Stay tuned.

January 25, 2012

Something Like That

1/24/12 1
{Top: Banana Republic, Cardigan & Belt: J Crew, Flower Pin: Old Navy, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Shoes: Alfani}

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So I didn't hit snooze too much this morning and was able to capture this colorful outfit. Usually when I wear animal print, certain colors come to mind {black, gray, red} but not necessarily blue and pink. But I like the way this outfit came out. It's almost as if I am a cotton candy version of a leopard.

Or something like that.

January 24, 2012


1/20/12 3
{Top: J Crew, Skirt: Asos, Scarf: LOFT, Shoes: Alfani}

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I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions – but if I had to pick a style related one – it would be to wear more red. Maybe that doesn’t count as a New Year’s resolution, but seeing as it is January - let's just say I'm "resolved" on the issue of red. So there, glad we got that out of the way.

In other news, I’ve been a bit swamped with school, an ungodly amount of math/economics/finance and a serious case of morning lethargy. In case you’re not familiar with morning lethargy – it's where you set your alarm intending to shower, wash your hair, you know the normal routine – only to hit snooze for over an hour, use half a bottle of dry shampoo and rush out of your apartment totally disheveled and groggy. So if you've been wondering where I've been, I've either been in bed hitting snooze, or in class wishing I was in bed hitting snooze.

January 19, 2012

Under the Radar

For the past few days I haven't been able to make it out for outfit pictures. Blame getting back in the swing of things with school, monsoon like weather and an alarm clock that mysteriously never went off. But I can't completely go without a little outfit documentation so here is a small glimpse of my outfits this week that almost flew completely under the radar.



January 17, 2012


1/12/12 2
{Sweater: Old Navy, Top & Tights: LOFT, Skirt: Express, Belt: H&M (Mens), Necklace: Gap, Shoes: Alfani}

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I wish I could take credit for this outfit. But to be honest, this entire look is due to 2 things.

1. Seeing this adorable Old Navy sweater all over the internets.
2. Pinterest inspiration.

But that's what the internet and pinterest are good for, right? If you answered they're also great for sucking away hours out of your day or making you insanely hungry {I'm talking to all of your food pinners out there} you would also be correct.

Also, congrats to Anne for winning the giveaway! Please e-mail me to claim your prize. Giveaway Winner2 Giveaway Winner

January 12, 2012

Cure For the Common Cold

1/6/12 1
{Top, Scarf & Bracelet: Loft, Pants: Limited, Cardigan: J Crew, Shoes: Alfani}

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With grad school back in full swing, I tend to find myself reaching for pants on the days {well nights actually} I have class. While wearing a skirt all day at work doesn't bother me at all, I find myself fidgeting with skirts when I'm in class. So pants it is. I've also noticed that somewhere after our usual 8pm break, the university must turn down the heat because it's freezing by the time class ends around 9:30 {hence the large and warm scarf}. Some of my classmates have started picking up on the fact that I usually have a scarf with me in class. One even asked "how many of those wrap things do you HAVE?".

"A lot" was my obvious response. But when a scarf can double as a blanket, why not stock up?

January 11, 2012

Blog Love

Reading blogs is one of my favorite past-times {to say I have a plentiful google reader is a major understatement}. I love the community, the inspiration and it’s fun to see what others are up to via their blogs!

Since it’s been a while since I updated my blog roll – I thought I’d share with you 4 new/newish to me style blogs that I am loving recently. Without further ado…

Kenzie is just all around adorable. She has great hair and amazing clothing like this awesome cape.
{photo via Kenzie Faith}

I found Rebecca via This Time Tomorrow and was so glad I did! I love her use of color. Plus her glasses are pretty rad.
{photo via 35 inch inseam}

Meet Daena. She's from Pittsburgh {which I love} and is an avid thrifter. She balances between girly/feminine outfits and cozy casual ones.
{photo via Clothes Karma}

Katya's outfits always seem fresh and easy. Plus she's super sweet.
{photo via This Times a Charm}

Have you discovered any bloggers recently? Share in the comments!

January 10, 2012

A Good Thing

1/10/12 4
{Top: LOFT, Blazer: Target, Pants: Limited, Necklace: Gap, Shoes: Alfani}

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Another first Tuesday of the month, another Everybody, Everywear challenge. Today's EBEW is Black & White {feel free to play Michael Jackson's hit in the background while you peruse the EBEW site} and I figured what better time wear my new LOFT lace top. Originally, I had planned to wear this top with another new item, a pleated full length black skirt, but it felt too fancy {actually I felt like Mary Crawley from Downton Abbey, so maybe I should say it felt too 1916} for a normal day at the office. So I went with my usual office pieces - a blazer and pair of black pants. Why mess with a good thing?

But don't worry, I do plan on wearing my original combo. I just need to find a ball, formal occassion or somewhere fancy to debut it.

Black + White | Everybody, Everywear

January 9, 2012

Stocking Up

1/5/12 3
{Tee & Belt: J Crew, Dress, Necklace & Purse: Gap, Shoes: Alfani}

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Every year I tend to stock up on tee's from J Crew {I'm a creature of habit, what can I say?}. This year rather than adding to my collection crewneck tees, I opted for the painter's tee I'm wearing today. You might not be able to tell from these photos, but the tee is boatneck shapped which I absolutely love! Plus it has another favorite of mine, 3/4 sleeves. I'm fairly certain whoever thought of the 3/4 sleeve was someone who was tired of constantly bunching up their annoying sleeves {something I'm all too guilty of}. So whoever you are 3/4 Sleeve Creator, thank you!

January 6, 2012

Black & Blue

12/29/11 2
{Tee: J Crew, Sweater: Gift/Gap, Pants: Express, Necklace: H&M Belt: Limited, Shoes: Alfani}

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12/29/11 1

You know {well actually you don’t} this should have been my last outfit post of 2011. But somewhere between the excitement of New Year’s Eve and the frenzy of deciding which dress to wear, this post was pushed off longer than I intended. A lot of my Christmas gifts this year were of the non-clothes variety, but I lucked out when I was gifted this sweater from my cousin. For someone who has a lot of clothes, I suppose I’m a bit difficult to shop for me when it comes to clothing {at least that’s what my mom tells me}. So I was really excited to get a something in a color I love and that actually fits!

January 5, 2012 "Present the Best You" Giveaway

As a part of my participation in the “Present the Best You” contest {you can see my original post here}, the folks behind the BeKnown App are giving away a prize pack to one lucky reader!

{prize pack will be similar to the one shown above}

Entries are simple:
- Head over to Facebook and check out the BeKnown App
- Then pop back over here and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so

Giveaway open until 11:59pm on January 9th.
Be sure to check back to see if you’re the winner!

January 3, 2012


1/3/12 3
{Sweater: LOFT, Tee & Jeans: J Crew, Necklace: Express, Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Shoes: Target}

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With an extra off day from work today, I thought I'd get some work done in my apartment. I can't believe I've been in my place almost a year and am still without a kitchen table. Not to mention I'm still using a coffee table as a faux entertainment center. So I trekked to Ikea and did quite a few laps while listening to the new Florence and the Machine album. While I didn't pull the trigger on a kitchen table {I'll continue to make due with my ottoman} I did find great little entertainment center and some new bedroom decor. Now I just need to figure out where to get some tools or who I can bribe for putting it together. I think I'll go with the bribe route.

Ps, thanks for your feedback on the NYE dress choices! I ended up going with Dress #2 from Urban :)