
February 26, 2014

A Day at the Movies

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Top: Anthropologie • Pants: Michael Kors• Sunglasses: Prada • Scarf: Gift • Boots: Steve Madden

Oh well hello there! Just a quick little update from the weekend. For a brief 2 days we enjoyed some Spring like temperatures and I jumped at the chance to finally get some outfit shots in. Thanks to my girl Lauren for her photog skills and great company.  

It was a bit ironic that on the NICEST day of winter I spent my day indoors at the movies. Although I suppose if you're going to see movies, you might as well enjoy the Best Picture Nominees {well half actually}. So I spent my day with Leo, Matthew and a few other leading gentlemen. Not a bad Saturday if you ask me.... 

February 12, 2014

30 & Counting

Welp it's another birthday! And while this blog is still 26 I'm getting further and further away from that age.
I'm traveling today for work and I fully plan on an enjoying a cocktail {or two} at the airport bar.

Hopefully once I'm home I'll be back to regular scheduled programming. In fact, last week I even went to park only to figure out the sidewalks were still completely snow covered. But once mother nature cooperates, I'll be back! Until then...

February 5, 2014

All Quiet...

I've been a bit {unintentionally} radio silent. And while the weather is partially to blame, honestly life has just been a bit busy. In a totally great way! After almost 3 years of graduate school, I guess I was used to a sub-par social life. But I'm glad to report that despite some pretty treacherous weather here in Ohio, you can still have fun {especially when you live in neighborhood with restaurants and bars in walking distance}.

Between Monday night Bachelor dates with Lauren, Broomball games on Wednesdays, and a fair amount of wine drinking and socializing -- the last month has flown by. And February is on pace for more of the same. There is a rather big birthday I'm celebrating this weekend, plus a work trip to Texas next week, and an Oscar Marathon at the end of the month that I'm super excited about!

Life is happening, so cheers to that!

Hair appointment tonight and feeling indecisive. Should I cut? Add a bit more ombré? #importantdecisionsWell here's a first....
A little hair refresh // $1 Beer Hockey Games

Here we go! #winenightDamage is done!
The remnants of California Reds @ The Bacchanalian Society

Here we go! Broom broom pow!Not a selfie but it is how I'm spending my night. Cc: @ameeleebee
Broom Broom Pow // A favorite local watering hole

Snowy walk home from dinner and several drinks with @stylizedexDZ <3
Snowy walk home from drinks // Turtle love for my DZs out there