
January 31, 2011

Let's Do This!

{9 Tops: Anthro, NY & Co., Target, Anthro, Limited, LOFT x2, J Crew, H&M}

{5 Sweater: LOFT, J Crew x3, Ann Taylor}

{3 Pants: Martin & Osa, Express x2}

{2 Dresses: Love Culture & American Eagle}

{2 Jackets: J Crew & Target}

{4 Skirts: LOFT, NY & Co., J Crew, Express}

{5 Shoes: Steve Madden, Macy's, Target, Bandolino, Steve Madden}

You guys know the drill, right? The above are my items for the 30 for 30 Winter Style. I kinda feel like I am off to a good start! This is mostly due to the fact that I actually managed to only picked 30 items {I accidentally picked 31 last time, oops} but also because I have no idea where to begin {oh the excitement!}. You might call that being rebellious but I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I'm being lazy. With 2 challenges under my belts {plural intended} I've toned down my obsessive planning. At least for now.

Did you know this is my third 30 for 30? Well, it's actually like my 2nd 5/6ths. You won't be able to find my first 30 for 30 here because, well, I didn't blog then. I played it old school and posted my outfits to flickr {all 26 days - I wimped out}. Of course, my fall 30 for 30 is here. I have a few weekends off this month so I'm planning to share a few casual looks {if that's okay}. If I don't, then my jeans were a total waste of spot #30. And I'll be darned if those jeans spite me.

Oh and if you happen to be an obsessive planner, feel free to share your outfit recommendations in the comments. Come 6am tomorrow, I'm sure this girl will appreciate it.

January 28, 2011

Wait, it's Friday?

1-28-11 6
{Top: Anthro, Cardigan & Skirt: Banana Republic, Belt: NY & Co., Tights: Limited, Boots: Macys}

1-28-11 6

By this time, you know the drill, right? It's Friend Friday! Actually, if it hadn't been for Friend Friday, I may have gone through the day thinking it was Tuesday. Thankfully, my brain and I got that detail sorted out. Now if only I didn't have to work Saturday AND Sunday. But such is the life of a self-torturer.

1. What technology do you use in blogging? (computer, camera, video camera, tripod, etc...)
I have a Mac at home and a PC at work. Depending on how much I get done in the morning, I post from my Mac at home. But most days, I put the final touches {layout, labels, ITALICS} to my post on the pc at work.
As for camera {cause I don’t have any other equipment} I have an old Canon PowerShot SD1000. It’s about 4 years old {but still fabulous} and I’m hoping to upgrade to a either an Olympus Pen or Canon T1. Although before I get too far ahead of myself, perhaps I should purchase a tripod first?

2. What computer and online technology do you use? (blogging system, photo storage, photo editing tools, etc..)
I blog on Blogger, organize my photos in iPhoto, do some editing in Adobe Elements or Photoshop and then upload and share via Flickr.

3. What is your process for taking pictures?
Well if you could call what I do a process {shakes head} it would go something like this. Set camera timer to 10 pictures, balance camera on iHome {seriously} and GO. I won’t be offend if you consider this more a shot in the dark than a process.

4. When it comes to backdrops for your photos what do you consider? Do you scout locations or shoot the same spot daily?
Oh I consider lots of things, but due to time, lack of equipment and comfort - I’ve been in the same locale for months now. I know I say this ALL THE TIME, but I am really hoping to branch out as soon as its warm enough.

5. If you could splurge and get one new piece of equipment what would you be buying?
I suppose I should start with the basics like a tripod, but I’m really hoping to upgrade my camera by late spring!

January 27, 2011

Only slightly boring

1-27-11 4
{Top & Necklace: LOFT, Skirt: Banana Republic, Cardigan: Martin & Osa, Belt: J Crew, Tights: Hue, Boots: Steve Madden}

1-27-11 6

I’m back! After an hour drive to the airport, a little negotiating with Delta Gate Agent and a 3 hour layover in the Atlanta Airport - I have returned the comfortable confines of my bedroom. To say it was a long travel day is, well, an understatement. But after spending 3 lovely days in Florida, I shouldn’t complain right? Yeah right. LONGEST TRAVEL DAY EVER. With the 30 for 30 on the horizon {note to self: figure this ish out ASAP} and a lot of clothes still in my suitcase {note to self: do laundry}, today’s outfit got the imitation treatment. To be honest, I almost re-wore this outfit, but instead of being completely boring, I went for only slightly boring by changing the colors and necklace. Similar yes. But not the same {it’s the small victories that matter kids}.

Alright so that’s it for today. I clearly have a lot to do {note to self again}. Oh yeah, plus there's all that stuff piling up on my desk.

January 25, 2011

Seeing Stripes

{Top: Forever 21, Blazer: Gap, Skirt: J Crew, Necklace: LOFT, Shoes: Target}

Breton Stripes

You may {at least I'm hoping you will} be seeing lots of stripes today. I actually wore this on snowmageddon Thursday, but hey, I'm posting it today and that's what matters. As a part of our new project, Everybody, Everywear, Linda and I declared today Breton Stripe day {of course all stripes are accepted}. And by declaring, I mean we decided we would be wearing stripes and hoped our friends would do the same. If you aren’t wearing stripes today that’s okay, I forgive you. But there’s always tomorrow {hint hint}.

Speaking of stripes – don’t you just love them? I suppose my love is part hereditary {my mom is a stripe fanatic} and part the aspirational French girl in me {c'est vrai}. My plan was to hand out croissants to all my co-stripe conspirators but the bakery couldn’t ensure they would be fresh after 24 hours. Hope you guys are okay with high fives? HIGH FIVE! HIGH FIVE! YOU OVER THERE, HIGH FIVE!

If you aren’t tired of seeing stripes head over to Everybody, Everywear to check out what’s been posted. And if you’re feeling so inclined add yours to the mix. Merci.

January 21, 2011


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{Top: Target, Cardigan: LOFT, Skirt & Tights: Express, Scarf: Nordstroms, Boots: Macys}

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Hopefully, my Friend Friday responses are a little less scatterbrained than yesterday's post. To learn more about Friend Friday, visit Katy's blog Modly Chic.

1. Most readers and fellow fashion bloggers value authenticity in the blogs they read. How would you describe blog/blogger authenticity?
I’m sure this is different for everyone and I am by no means the end-all-be-all authority on this subject, but I enjoy blogs/bloggers who offer a bit more than words/photos on my computer. I suppose, you could call that personality or voice. Do they have that joie de vivre {there I go being French again}? Do I leave wanting to know more about that person? I am excited when they post? The most authentic bloggers resonate with me and they are the ones I keep visiting over and over again.

2. When it comes to your blog how to you infuse it with that true/authentic feeling?
26 and Counting was designed to take something as potentially boring as work wear and kick it up a notch. Work may not always be exciting and fun, but I try to add a twist with creative styling and the stories {or ramblings} I tell. Despite having a serious job, I don’t like to take myself too seriously. If I can’t have fun and laugh at my own blog, when can I?

3. Have you stopped following a blog in the last three months? What made you lose interest?
My google reader is a mess. 2 years ago if you had a blog and I found it, chances are I added it to my reader. So from time to time I go through and try to phase out the blogs I don’t really read. Funny that I say “read” because it wasn’t until about a year or so ago {when I started thinking about my own blogging aspirations} that I really started to read the blogs I followed. For a long time I followed “pretty” blogs. I looked at the images and that was it. As a blogger myself now, I appreciate the written thoughts and stories of friends just as much as their photos.

4. We can't communicate effectively on our blogs, something we don't live in real life... what are some ways you try to live an authentic life?
A few years ago I read the book, The Radical Lead for work and it resonated with me on such a personal level. I won’t summarize the entire plot {but I will recommend it}. It boils down to loving what I do. If I love what I do, I will have energy. I will be excited and audacious about my endeavors. All of which will provide proof to others about my life. Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof {LEAP}.

5. Give a shout-out... Which bloggers do you think are truly genuine and why?
No brainer. Kendi. I think she’s great {I’m sure you do too}! What I am about to say, could go true for question #1. She seems like a real friend. She’s relatable. I’m interested in her blog, outside of what she wears {although her outfits are adorable, no?}. I’ve said multiple times to my friends "Read her blog and I dare you not be hooked!" Not mention she’s adorable, funny and keeps it real. I’m pretty much her biggest fan. I should disclaim that I am not stalker, but I am not even sure that’s true, as I find myself refreshing her blog daily checking for new posts.

January 20, 2011

I'm a Scatterbrained Wuss. There I said it.

830 am1130 am
Time to go home!Commute

I interrupt 26 and Counting to bring you update? Okay, it's not really an update. It's just pictures from a few different views I have each day {home, work, drive}. Also, I can't post my outfit today because you aren't supposed to see until Tuesday. Yep, that means today is actually my Breton Stripe day. I'm too neurotic to leave something like Everybody, Everywear up to chance. See chances are I won't be able to take outfit pictures on Tuesday. Why you ask? Well because I will be enjoying the lovely and warm South Florida weather. Seeing as my apparent comfort zone is outfit pictures in the quiet and safe oasis of my bedroom, I couldn't risk taking the potential fiasco that is taking pictures in a new location. You understand, right?

{no cyclops jokes, I realize it looks like I only have 1 eye}

I know you guys probably would like to see different locations and poses. But I don't have a tripod. And, well, it's cold outside. And I'm a wuss. Feel free to send your photographers my way. Clearly, I need one. Okay, I think this is enough rambling for today. Sorry if the above is a bit scatterbrained. But that's just how I am feeling today.

January 19, 2011

Green, it's my new obsession

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{Top: Anthro, Cardigan: J Crew, Skirt & Tights: Express, Bracelet: H&M, Shoes: Bandolino}

1-19-11 5

Well maybe it’s not my new obsession, but it’s definitely an obsession. There’s this cardigan, the argyle sweater and my favorite green top. Not to mention a few other green pieces that have yet to make their blog debut. Maybe Catherine Zeta Jones and Mila Kunis got their green inspiration from me? I kid, I kid.

In other news, it seems as though I will be moving soon. No, I don't have a one-way ticket to New York {unfortunately}. But I am moving across the river to Ohio {all of 10 miles from where I currently reside}. Seems life is about to get real busy here in the next month or so. I've got the blog to keep up with {clearly my top priority}, the next 30 for 30 challenge to plan for {you didn't think I would sit this one out did you?}, my birthday {if you can do simple math, that would be 27} and a move to another state {let the decorating google searches commence}. Oh life, how you keep me busy.

January 18, 2011

Business Cowgirl

1-18-11 4
{Dress: Forever 21, Cardigan: Express, Belt: J Crew, Tights: Hue, Boots: Steve Madden}

1-18-11 5

I don’t know about you, but this outfit {despite the flower print} is giving me a honky-tonk {as honky-tonk as office wear can be} kind of vibe. If only I had some true, authentic cowboy boots I think I’d be set. Usually, I play up the feminine detail of this dress by using bright, girly colors, but I was bound and determined to try something different today.

So as a friendly reminder, I hung this dress in the front of my closet, certain I would think of something. Well certainty is a funny thing, because I’ve been stumped for the past 2 weeks. Yep, this dress has been waiting {patiently} for quite a while. She’s held it together pretty well, but today was the end of the line doggone it {her words, not mine}. What's a girl to do when she’s lost her style mojo? A little trial and error of course! First option was a heavy knit vest. Cute but eh, the proportions were off. Then I tried a different vest. Thinner and longer. Eh, I liked the first option better. Thinking vests weren’t the way to go, I stuck with brown tones and voilà {apparently I’m a French cowgirl}!

On a non-cowgirl related note, did you hear about Everybody, Everywear? Linda and I have taken Gingham Style Day to 10th degree. Click here for more info.

January 17, 2011

Slightly Amused but Mostly Tired

1-17-11 4
{Top & Bracelets: H&M, Skirt & Cardigan: Banana Republic, Belt: Limited, Necklace: LOFT, Boots: Steve Madden}

1-17-11 6

It’s Monday guys {but I’m sure you knew that already}. Despite my long weekend, I’m not feeling as well-rested or refreshed as I thought. But I suppose that’s what happens when you work all weekend long and proceed to stay up late {yes, 11pm is late} to watch the Golden Globes. I’m such a sucker for celebrities, awkward live TV moments and red carpets so naturally I’m slightly obsessed with award show season. Speaking of awkward moments how great was Natalie Portman’s little line about her fiancée being the best actor? I may be biased because she also gave a shout out to Cincinnati. But for me the best awkward moment {actually it’s a tie} is between RDJ and Andrew Garfield. No fashion nitpicking from this girl, I’ll just stick to the awesome little awkward moments. Amusement over fashion kids.

January 14, 2011

Off Day

Hope you don't mind, there isn't a new outfit today. I'm taking a PTO day from work and plan on lounging around in comfy clothes {ie yoga pants, uggs and perhaps sweatshirt} all day. You guys are okay with that, right? No worries though, I have my thoughts on this week's Friend Friday questions and a weekly summary below {in case you miss my face that much}.

Week Review

1. How do you determine what you will wear that day?
I definitely don’t have it down to an exact science {nor do I think that’s necessarily the best thing}. For me it’s a combination of circumstance {what’s going on at work, or lack there of}, inspiration and a pinch of trial and error. In a previous post, I mentioned wanting to be more intentional with outfit choices and I do. If I have time to pull some outfits or experiment in my closet I take advantage of that. But there is something to be said about the process of standing in front of your closet, without an inkling as to what to wear and putting together an outfit. Call it living on the edge, or being spontaneous {or a little nerve wrecking} but some of best outfits happen that way.

2. Do you plan outfits out in advance for a whole week, month, weekend?
During the 30 for 30, I tried to plan as much as possible. I jotted down ideas, combinations, hung pieces together {I was obsessed, okay?}. But outside of that I try to get a vague idea of what I want to wear for the week. On a good week, 3 or 4 of those outfits come to see the light of the day on the blog/real life. Other weeks they all get scratched. Who knows why, it just happens that way.

3. Do you have any specific way of tracking outfits and items already worn so you don't repeat?
I suppose blogging is my attempt put an end to outfit repeating {or at least on the magnitude that I was repeating outfits}, but I don’t think repeating outfits is necessarily the WORST THING EVER. Some outfits just work and deserve a bit of flaunting/celebrating. But with that said re-wearing the same 5 work outfits week in and week out is something I don’t want to fall victim to. Quite honestly blogging helps me avoid being lazy.

4. How do you discover new combinations of items in your closet? (Trial try-ons? Hanging items together?)
Some days I get inspired to try different things on. See what works {usually what doesn’t} and go from there. I definitely like to hang “outfits” together in my closet to eliminate tearing my closet apart each and every morning, but that’s just on a weekly basis. I also like to look at magazine, catalogs and other bloggers to see what combinations other people are trying. You’d be surprised what other people put together {and look great in btw} that you never so much as thought about.

5. To streamline the process for 2011 what is one new thing you can do to cut down your dressing time?
Two thoughts here. First, to be more sure of myself. Take Wednesday {snug factor and all} for example. What you saw on the blog is what I put on first that morning. Fast forward 20 minutes later and I was wearing something completely different. At which point I looked in the mirror, shook my head and immediately put back on my first outfit. If I could just stop second guessing myself I would save 10-30 minutes a day.

Second, I have 2 closets which in the past I used to put all my “fun” clothes into one and then all my “work” clothes into the other. I’m trying to break the habit of pigeonholing my clothes. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to keep everything organized, but in the mean time I try to peruse both closets equally for inspiration.

January 13, 2011

Have I Told You Lately?

1-13-11 6
{Top: Target, Skirt: Gap, Cardigan: Nordstroms, Bracelet: Limited, Boots: Macys}


You guys seriously ROCK! Instead of being all Liz, ew. You're weird, you were like Liz, you're weird and we kinda love it! Thanks for accepting me, unbuttoned pants and all.

It seems like it's Secret Week on 26 and Counting. I shared some childhood stories, a little truth about my suffocating pants and today I have another tidbit. I love dressing in the winter {not the secret, keep reading}. Partly because I love to layer {mostly because I love tights} but also because you can get away with the most basic {I'm talking caveman style} alterations. Take today for example and this skirt. I needed it to sit a bit higher. Usually I would stand in front of my mirror, mentally trying to will the skirt to alter itself {and wasting 15 minutes in the process}. For the record, this does not work. But sometimes eating a snack before walking out of the door does.

What is a girl to do? Well in the winter {it comes full circle friends} a safety pin of course! This cardigan conceals my handy work and it's a win/win for everyone. Unfortunately exposed safety pins aren't really in style so my craftywork doesn't last past March. So I'm going to enjoy these next few months when I can sit in my room and play pretend seamstress to my clothes. I promise, I'm gentle.

January 12, 2011

Snug Factor

1-12-11 5
{Top, Cardigan & Scarf: J Crew, Pants: Banana Republic, Belt: H&M, Shoes: Bandolino


Yesterday I mentioned that my skirt was a bit snug. Nothing unbearable, but snug nonetheless. Perhaps it’s worth noting that there is a thin line between snug and suffocating. These pants, well, they most certainly fall in the suffocating category. Let me just be upfront about it, I am terrible at getting rid of clothes that don’t fit. What if I lose weight? What if I gain weight? What if I wear spanx? All of these options are quite possible, so I’m hesitant to throw anything away that may be a size too small/big. In order to get away with wearing {and the ability to breathe} these pants all day, I made the conscious decision to layer the ba-jesus out of this outfit. You see, with the appropriate amount of layers, I can get away with wearing these pants unbuttoned. Yep, that’s my secret. Unbuttoned pants.

If I have learned anything from the never ending pregnancies of my co-workers {can you say baby boom?}, it’s that unbuttoned pants can be a life saver. Apparently this is common knowledge in pregnancy circles, but I have stolen their secret and taken it for my own. See a cami + shirt + layering piece can get you at least an extra inch in the waist. So go forth {if you're a hoader like me} to your closet and test it for your self.

January 11, 2011

Sister Skirt

1-11-11 5
{Sweater: J Crew, Skirt: Express, Scarf & Tights: Limited, Boots: Macys}

1-11-11 6

The other day I pulled a skirt from my closet that hadn't been worn in 4 years. Tongue twister time, today's skirt is that skirt's sister. Over the years this one has faired a bit better, meaning that I haven’t worn it in, oh, about 3 years. I've either lost a bit of weight {note, I'm eating a doughnut as I write this} or I’m better at picking out pieces that conceal the snug factor of the skirt. I’m going to go with the latter.

On a non style related note, it snowed this morning! Actually, it’s still snowing. Time to start procrastinating and start imagining all the fun I could be having on my hypothetical snow day!

Here comes the snow, here comes the snow, and I say it's all right

January 10, 2011

Peer Pressure

1-10-11 6
{Top: Anthro, Skirt & Cardigan: J Crew, Tights & Belt: Limited, Boots: Steve Madden}

1-10-11 a

Hope you don’t mind, I’m posting another 7 Things {new here? my first list is here}. I was a little reluctant to post another list random tidbits about myself when the lovely Ramsey {warning: she’s adorable} tagged me, but then Kendi tagged me too and said it was mandatory. If there is one sure fire why to get me to do something, it is a bit of peer pressure. I’m going to keep with Kendi’s theme of embarrassing past stories. Let’s get on with it, shall we?

1. When I was a freshman in high school, I was obsessed with a particular senior boy because I thought he resembled Justin Timberlake. Really the only resemblance was that they both wore baby blue and used peroxide to bleach their hair. I’m fairly certain that said senior boy is balding now. Wonder if he blames the peroxide?

2. When I was 6 all I wanted was a snap bracelet, but my mom {the ever cautious and wise} refused to buy me one on the basis that they were like weapons for kids. Being the stubborn child I was, I wouldn’t take no for an answer and resorted to stealing bracelets from other kids in my class. I kept a collection in my lunch box until that fateful today when the snap bracelet bandit {me} was apprehended by her teacher.

3. Speaking of elementary school, I really loved my Guess sweatshirt. So much so that I wore in my 3rd grade picture and then again in my 4th grade picture the next year.


4. My mom is a bit of Star Trek fanatic {a trekkie if you will} so most of my Friday nights as a kid involved staying up late to the wee hour of 9 to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation with Bren. I used to make my mom repeat all of the actors’ names during the opening credits with me. I got so good that I convinced myself I was able to read.

5. My sister, Annie is almost 5 years younger than me. Being the older sister it was my responsibility to do the teasing. My favorite was to say she was named after my parents dog {also named Annie}. It wasn’t until I was about 10 that it dawned on me that I kinda was named after the dog in my own way. My full name? Elizabeth Ann.

6. Due to an unfortunate incident with Sun-In on a summer vacation, my hair was chopped to my ears {see the 3rd and 4th grade pictures above}.

7. My first concert ever? *NSYNC {and I say that with the utmost pride}. In fact, I went to about 5 or 6 * NSYNC {not including the 2 after JT went solo} concerts over the years. I will be the first in line if there is ever a reunion tour.

Now it's time to spread the peer pressure.Kinsey, Kate, Hello! Monkeyface, JoAnn, Kelsey & Linda.

January 7, 2011

For the Love

1-7-11 4
{Top & Belt: J Crew, Cardigan & Necklace: LOFT, Skirt: Banana Republic, Tights: Gap, Shoes: Bandolino}

1-7-11 5

You may have heard that today is gingham style day {or as Kendi astutely proclaimed, we are the Gingham Gang}. The blogsphere is full of love for gingham shirts. So with that in mind and bit of help from twitter, I reached out to some of my favorite style bloggers. Thanks to Jen, Kendi, Linda, Linley and Tania for participating in this little style experiment.

I’m a little late to the posting party {blame work, not me} but I suppose more responsibility is what comes with a promotion? Yes, this girl got a big girl promotion. It’s been a busy week at work to say the least and posting has been sporadic at best. But I’m wearing gingham today and I am oh so happy about it. Guys, I think I’m in love. Not that kinda of "crazy, makes your heart pound, almost silly" love. More that "I love you, I never want to wear anything else" kinda love. It’s a struggle not to wear this beauty everyday, but with a closet {actually 2 closets} of other lovely pieces, I’m trying to spread the love.

But with an inclination towards obsessive tendencies {thank you Mom} and a love this strong, it’s hard to deny my gingham obsession. Speaking of obsessive tendencies, I’ve been keeping track of my gingham wearing days. I won’t share the exact figures {boring}, but I will share with you photos {fun}. Let’s just say that this little shirt of mine has worked itself into my daily outfits pretty flawlessly.

J Crew 1-horz

Friend Friday

Yay! It's Friday {but you knew that, didn't you?}. Below are my thoughts on this week's Friend Friday questions. For more about Friend Friday, visit Katy's blog, Modly Chic

1. Have you ever looked at someone's blog and thought yours will never measure up?
Sure. I think that’s what held me back from the taking the blogging plunge last year. It’s a little scary to put yourself {and your outfits} out there for the world to see, but I realized that blogging, for me, wasn’t about success. I was interested in being more creative in my own closet and joining a community that I had been admirer of for a long time. I try my best not compare myself to others when it comes to blogging. We are each our own individuals with a different perspective and reason for blogging. It’s important for me to stay focused on my own goals/ideas and stay true to who I am.

2. Do you (did you) feel pressure to meet some kind of undefined standard for fashion bloggers?
The pressure I find myself dealing with is balance. The balance of my real life, work and this blog. I would love to post everyday, take better pictures and be more adventurous with my blog, but I’m not going to let myself get down when those things don’t happen. Instead of feeling pressured, I try to turn that into inspiration.

3. Many established fashion bloggers are also extraordinary DIYers, bakers, and crafty people. Do you think you need to combine all of these things to be successful at blogging?
Absolutely not. I am by no means crafty so DIY is something I will more than likely avoid. But that’s not to say I don’t appreciate those who are crafty and share their projects on their blogs. 26 and Counting and is an outlet for me to share my outfits that I wear to work {with the occasional weekend outfit} so my goal is to stay true to that vision and keep my posts focused.

4. The most successful blogs are the ones that have their own personal voice - how are you developing your voice or how did you find yours?
I try not to take myself too seriously. Work and what you wear to work can be a little serious, so I try to have fun with my writing and my outlook. With that said I’m hoping to keep my writing quirky/funny but also streamlined. I can get caught on a tangent and go from zero to infinity in a blink of an eye {or ellipse…} and I’m sure as a reader that can be distracting.

5. Toot your own horn... what's one thing you do that is unique to you and your blog? What gives your blog an edge?
I try to put an interesting twist on business casual attire. It’s easy for the day to day business of work to trump being creative with your style. Rather than let work get the best of my closet, I’m trying to dress with more intention and have fun. Being a curvy girl I wanted to showcase that you can have style and flair while still dressing appropriately for the office.

I'll be back later with today's outfit.

January 5, 2011

Day to Day?

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{Top: J Crew, Skirt: Limited, Vest & Necklace: H&M, Tights & Bracelet: Express, Boots: Steve Madden}


1-5-11 d
{Top: J Crew, Blazer: Target, Scarf: H&M, Jeans: Martin & Osa, Boots: Steve Madden}


Perhaps I should do some clarifying about the title. Day to day is not to be taken in the "oh, I get by day to day" sense. It's more of "this what I wore from day to day". Maybe it would be clearer if it read "day to night" but it isn't night quite yet and the last set of photos is what I'm wearing now.

See day to day. Get it? Oh and look I'm wearing jeans again! But this time I'm not at work. I worked a half day this morning and took the afternoon off to blog. That's normal, right? Actually, I'm using this hour to blog before heading on a mini road trip. Now that I can cross that off my to-do list, I'm off to the World of Wedding Planning {not mine, a friend's}. Maybe if you guys are lucky I'll sneak some photos of all the bridesmaid dresses I will be trying on.

January 4, 2011

Work in Progress

1-4-11 4
{Top & Cardigan: J Crew, Skirt: Express, Belt: Limited, Tights: Gap, Scarf: Gift, Boots: Steve Madden}

1-4-11 5

Something about this outfit feels a bit off. Perhaps the summery gray skirt paired with bolder winter colors? Or maybe the fact that this skirt hasn't seen the outside world in over 4 years? Or maybe {just maybe} it's because I only had about 5 hours of sleep last night?

Apparently it only takes 2 long holiday weekends for my sleep cycle to revert to college tendencies. College tendencies being late nights, impromptu parties and hardly any sleep. Yes, there was a party last night. A spontaneous 10pm cleaning party that is. Let's just say my apartment and I got together and decided it was time for a little Lady Gaga and some vacuuming. Lysol may also have been involved. Oh and hey, if you don't mind, let's not mention the vacuuming part to my college self. She might think I've turned into my mother.

January 3, 2011

Clean Slate

1-3-11 4
{Dress: Forever 21, Cardigan: NY & Co., Necklace: LOFT, Boots: Macys}

1-3-11 5

In a previous life {by previous life I’m talking about 3 years ago} my closet consisted of all I could pack into a suitcase. Every 5-7 days I would wake up, stuff my life into my 26”x18” rolling box and off I went to a new location. Despite the early morning wake up calls, I always looked forward to travel days. There’s something to be said about sitting on a plane, looking out of the window and landing in a new place. Each place was the beginning of something new. I suppose the excitement of the unknown and the idea of having a clean slate is what I loved the most. Any issue or problem from the week before could be wiped away as the wheels of the plane touched down on the runway.

While there weren’t any planes or suitcases this weekend, I have the same feeling about the new year. No major resolutions for me, just hoping to be excited about each and every day. And to remember that a clean slate is something I can have every morning.